I am choosing to believe the struggle is a lesson
I am choosing to learn from it
I am choosing to find the positives
I am choosing to quit focusing on the past
I am choosing to let go of the negatives.
I choose to enjoy being You.
Just as you are
Right now
Quirks and all
Because the werey
The serenren
And the tear flakes
All make up the mysteriously complex masterpiece
That you are
That is you
Think of how far you have come
How lost you were
Take in all in
Because every shattered piece in the hands of a potter
Still make up the masterpiece
Start from where you are
God is aware of it all.
He is with you right now
He never left you
He is not surprised
By all your mess-ups
I hoped you wouldn't do it.... lol
But you did
And that's okay
He factored that in too
He already has your come back ready
The route
The help
The provision
The snuggle time
And since you seek to please him.
You shouldn't be so focused on your mistakes
Or how you are perceived by others
Accept the season you are in
Work on your growth
Reanalyse your pleasures
Cry if you want Adam
Rant if you want Eve
God will listen to you
Don't be overwhelmed
Give him your wrong choices and fears
Give him your evil intentions
Give him your broken heart
Give him your desire to belong to the streets
He loves every part of you
He created you
He knows what he put inside of you
Take courage in the fact that
Your God is sovereign
He is crazy enough to take you back
He loves you right now
As you are
With nothing different
Forget the shower
Come as you are
You are loved
You are seen
You are still chosen
You are picked
You are graced