Werey they say is repeating the same nonsense over and over again but expecting a different result.
Not there yet
But we move
Not arrived yet
But we move
Forgot my phone
But we move
Stained my shoes on the way out
But we move
Got into an argument
But we move
There is traffic on the highway
But we move
Should have worn a different top
But we move
I shouldn't have said that
But we move
Someone just cut me off
But we move
I shouldn't have watched that
But we move
I fumbled again
But we move
I lost my earring
But we move
Nail cracked
But we move
I made it in time
So let's keep moving
I pulled instead of pushed
*covers face*
But we move
Walked into a glass door
*shrugs off shame*
everyone is staring
Forget it
Let's keep moving
5 steps backwards
But we move
2 crawls forward
But we move
Insanity is said to be the act of doing the same thing over and over again
but expecting the same result
Well what do I do then
As I am actually insane
Sense is not very common in my life
you see...
So I am going to keep on doing what I know to do
Because that is all I can do right now
I journal every repeated cycle
I learn where possible
I try to make sense of what I can
But I never stop
I do it over and over again
Not for things to get better
But because that's what I can do
I do what I can do
I found sanity in my insanity
I made sanity of my insanity
Making sense of my confusion
Taking my time
Falling and rising
Again and again
My latest conquest
Is enjoying every second of the day
Not every day
But this day
The one I am in the right
does not matter if it is today
or if it was yesterday
Abba grace and love
Is new every millisecond
So never stop being graced