Esther the GOAT
Is finding her way back to you
Dealing with the same issues
Where is the time going?
And why are we not moving with it
Different age,
Different year,
Same shit
We both decided to let go,
But it is tough
We realized we had put You in the backburner
We got lost in the demi-god's form of love
But you see,
Only You, God, can satisfy
Not people or success
But we keep thirsting
Because we abandoned the living water for a counterfeit
Abba, help us trust and hold on to you again
Sometimes you find yourself so deep in your mess
That its hard to leave
This time last year,
You were jealous,
Full of comparison,
And not content
I kept looking at the issue
I had created to be resolved
Instead of pressing forward
I looked back
I later found out it was all a blessing
A visible blessing
Not hidden
But fully in the light
Help us stay anchored Abba
Reiterate your word, Lord
I need you
We need you
I look forward to the"me"
On the other side of obeying you.
Take a break
Let go and let him