Well, this is different
I am not living from my pain
From my misdeeds
From my mistakes
From my guilt
From my remorse
My feelings
I have found a new meaning in life
Living from a new realisation
That I am actually sorted
That my father has got me
So I can be silly
And ask for the unnecessary things
Rant and tell Him what is on my mind
Get angry when I don't understand
While also holding on to Him as he walks me down the aisle
Without the fear of being struck by lightning
Afraid that I am not enough
That I am not worth His time
Afraid that He doesn't know me
*the dude has like a zillion kids, so yh lol... make sense*
He has reintroduced Himself to me
Uprooting all my wrong thoughts
False memory
Showing me love
Helping me get to know Him
Embracing my thorns from the hurt
Clearing up the misunderstanding
Waiting on me to get it
To get that He loves me
To get that I am loved
To get that I was misinformed
I am getting to know Him now
Experiencing His love for the first time
Seeing His mercy
Accepting His grace
Acknowledging His sacrifice
I can literally see clearly now
The rain is actually gone
I am moving on a different wave
Walking in victory
With the assurance that all is actually well
Damn Eve
Did we have a codependent relationship based on our pain
Our regret
Our mistakes
Our misdeeds
Our wrongs
Our hate
Our wishes
Our hopes
Our desires
Our fantasy
Our heartbreak
Is our relationship real?
Was our relationship ever real?
Are we not going to stand the test of time
Lol, Calm down, Adam
I have also experienced the renewal
The change
We went through it together
Don't you remember?
At the same time
But different places
Letting go of the life I thought I wanted
Accepting my wrongs
Making the most of what I had
And have now
Starting exactly where I am
And where I was
I picked up my pieces and cultivated
Planted my seed
And multiplied my harvest
But things didn't go as planned
One of my fruits devoured the other
I had to sacrifice all over again
But I birthed another seed
Again and again
A step at a time
I grew
And I am still on my way
It is going to be an interesting ride
Let's keep going